A fever with a cold, usually indicates an upper respiratory tract infection.
The body is busy trying to flush out the invaders by sneezing and giving you a running nose. And what do modern humans do? They take an anti histamine.
The anti histamine will reduce the sneezing. It’ll make the mucous thicker and stop your nose from running like a leaky faucet. Mission accomplished?!!!!? Well, Yes- if that was your mission. But the mission will also accomplish- making the mucous thicker , causing it to stagnate in your upper airways. This will in turn, increase the chances of turning a simple viral rhinitis that would go away in 3-5 days into a bacterial sinusitis that will now last 2 weeks and need several courses of antibiotics. Mission fully accomplished.
The anti histamines do NOTHING for an infection in the upper respiratory tract. NOTHING.
They make you *feel* better. They let you go out and work, without sneezing. This in turn will let you run around and spread the virus. And it will let you push your body while you’re having minor symptoms. Voila! Two days later, the minor symptoms that would have gone away with rest, now knocks you out because you ran around while masking your own symptoms.
When CAN you take antihistamines for an infection?
Anytime. The drug is available over the counter.
If your doctor doesn’t prescribe it, you can even force him to write it down. But that’s not really required, because it’s available over the counter. Unless you want the drug for free from government supplies. Then fine. Force him to write it.
When SHOULD you take an antihistamine for an infection?
Never. I don’t think they should be used in a case of infective rhinitis.
If you can think of reasons why, please let me know.
Anti histamines are life saving drugs that are best used in cases of allergy.