Fermented foods- Kefir

https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07P1GV471/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apan_glt_fabc_ZG3A68S6XZGCQP7AZSY8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Used the starter culture from this link to make Kefir after a period of 4 years.Kefir is a polymicrobial culture of bacteria and fungi that work synergistically to ferment milk. Originally from the central Asian region.This takes away most of the lactose and converts it into lactic acid. This makes it low carbohydrate content, […]

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Flexibility without stretching. Part 3 of 3

The “special” techniques.These are still stretches, but not in the way you think of them. These are active stretches. Stretches with intention, where the muscles are being contracted while they are being lengthened. Sounds paradoxical, but you’ll understand if you watch a few videos on how muscle tissue works during contraction, at the microscopic level. […]

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