Chronic pain is memory. Memories can be good or bad. I don’t mean in the sense of the the emotions they contain. I mean in the sense that they have an effect on how those memories let you process your life. How it frames your future. Good memories will let you move forward. Bad memories […]
Flow, rhythm, life.
All beings that are biologically alive, flow. Even what looks like inanimate objects, flow.Flow is what keeps pathways clean and usable. A river that doesn’t flow, will die. A footpath that isn’t used will still get clogged. This is true at all levels. At the level of cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, individual animals, families, […]
Fermented foods- Kefir Used the starter culture from this link to make Kefir after a period of 4 years.Kefir is a polymicrobial culture of bacteria and fungi that work synergistically to ferment milk. Originally from the central Asian region.This takes away most of the lactose and converts it into lactic acid. This makes it low carbohydrate content, […]
Flexibility without stretching. Part 3 of 3
The “special” techniques.These are still stretches, but not in the way you think of them. These are active stretches. Stretches with intention, where the muscles are being contracted while they are being lengthened. Sounds paradoxical, but you’ll understand if you watch a few videos on how muscle tissue works during contraction, at the microscopic level. […]
Flexibility without stretching. Part 2.
How do you get flexible, without stretching?Easy. Don’t get tight and rigid in the first place I’m only half joking. Because half the battle is in staying loose and relaxed. You need to incorporate changes into your lifestyle that will prevent you from getting tight. The same changes will make you more and more […]
Flexibility, without stretching.
I’ve already got an article about pandiculation on this blog. Which itself is just an additional comment on an external link. The link to my older article is here When people are asked about their flexibility, they’ll always tell you about how easy or tough it is for them to touch their own toes. It […]
The SWAT team approach to marriage. 😁
Being married and living together is pretty much like living in a SWAT team hostage situation for the rest of your life. You just have to make peace with the perp and try and survive without killing the perp, or landing yourself in jail. If you walk out of the hostage situation periodically, you’ll be […]
Testosterone replacement
As seen from the above chart that I lifted from Wikipedia, testosterone is released from Leydig cells in response to LH (luteinising hormone) which is in turn released from the pituitary in response to GnRH( gonadotropin releasing hormone) You can also see that testosterone itself will inhibit release GnRH release to complete the feedback loop […]
Self transformation- The Goldilocks principle.
The intellect is the bouncer of the heart. And transformation occurs, starting from the heart. If self transformation is the intention, the intellect has to admit it into the heart. The heart has to then work on it, and the change gets applied to one’s life. Of course, some incidents and ideas are so powerful, […]
All round development.
When someone talks about all round development, it usually deals with physical, mental and spiritual growth. It is fashionable to snigger at the word “spiritual” but till I find a better word, I’m going to stick with it. Mental growth, for most of us, is acquiring knowledge. Increasing the mental muscle. Improving processing capacity, increasing […]